The recipient of more than three dozen honors to date, Nury Feria is an ASID Hall of Fame award winner for Interior Design Excellence and has received many Designer of the Year awards from the Interior Design Guild of South Florida, as well as a multitude of Design Excellence awards from ASID, several awards for lighting design from the Illuminating Engineering Society, plus both a FAME award from the Builders Association of South Florida and a furniture design award in the Florida Style competition.

1985- Designer of the Year Award
Interior Design Guild of South Florida
Residential category
1986-Designer of the Year Award
Interior Design Guild of South Florida
Model Home Category
1986-Design Excellence Award
American Society of Interior Designers
Commercial Category
1987-Designer of the Year Award
Interior Design Guild of South Florida
Model Home Category
1988-Fame Award
The Builder’s Association of S. Florida
Model Home Category
1988-Lighting Design Award
Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
1989-Lighting Design Award
Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
1991-Designer of the Year Award
Interior Design Guild of South Florida
Commercial Category
1991-Designer of the Year Award
Interior Design Guild of South Florida
Residential Category
1991-Florida Style Competition
Upholstered Furniture Category
1991-Corporate Best Dressed Award
The Fashion Group International
South Florida Magazine
1992-Designer of the Year Award
Interior Design Guild of South Florida
Residential Category
1993-Interior Design Guild of South Florida
Commercial Category
1994-Design Excellence Award
American Society of Interior Designers
Commercial Category
1997-Designer of the Year Award
Interior Design Guild of South Florida
Commercial Category
1997- Design Excellence Award
American Society of Interior Designers
Product Design
1997- Design Excellence Award
American Society of Interior Designers
Corporate Design
1997- Outstanding Alumni Achievement Award
Florida International University School of Architecture
1998- Designer of the Year Award
Interior Design Guild of South Florida
Residential Category
1996-Triunfadora Award/Exito Magazine
Award for Hispanic Community contributions
1996-Metropolitan Dade County Certificate of Appreciation
In recognition of valuable contributions to the community
1996-“Love of the Children” Award
Child Welfare Division / CCS
1997-En Reconocimiento /La Annunciacion
In recognition of valuable contribution
1999-Design Excellence and Leadership Award/the “Buddy” Award
American Society of Interior Designers
2001-People’s Choice Award
Florida International University
Festival of the Trees
2004-VIP Alumni
Florida International University
2004 though 2010 - Top ranked Florida Designers and Visionaries
Florida International Magazine
2004-Design Mix Award
International Interior Design Association
2006-Entrepreneurship award
Global Entrepreneurship Center
Florida International University
2009- SOPHIE Award
Hospitality Industry Network
2012-Design Excellence Award
American Society of Interior Designers
Renovation Category
2012-Design Excellence Award
American Society of Interior Designers
Residential/Transitional Category
2013- Design Excellence Award
American Society of Interior Designers
Residential/Traditional Category
2013- Hall of Fame Award for Interior Design Excellence
American Society of Interior Designers
For from Him and through Him and to Him
are all things. To Him be all the glory forever.
Romans 11:36